Friday, January 3, 2014

Soundcloud Recording

This is the link to my sound cloud recording.  I have been researching and trying to figure out how to embed this file and it's not working.

Chapter 4

So chapter 4 had a lot of information in it.  It seemed to be a long chapter.  I think, again, that it was a lot of common knowledge type information with the exception of the protocols (HTTP, IMAP, SMTP POP).  Of course, even with reading two chapters that explain servers and protocols, it still confuses me.  My brain isn't wired for 'extreme technology'.  This chapter did give me the names of a few other social networking sites to try.  I have never heard of Eons, Bebo, hi5, or friendster before.  Social bookmarking is also a new concept for me.  I'm thinking its like sound cloud, but with websites?  I will definitely have to try it out.  I did learn one thing from chapter four that I have been wondering for a long time!  I learned that the hash tag is to show that a topic is 'trending now' on a person's feed.  I have wondered for a long time what that darn hash tag was for!
I used to LOVE instant messengers, and chat rooms.  I used to have a name on several different messenger services.  I like the idea of Trillian that will allow you to stream all your IM's in one place.  I quit using Instant messengers because someone told me that they are a wide open door for hackers and viruses.  I got them easy enough without the IM's so I uninstalled them all.
Wikipedia is my 'go-to' for a lot of things but unfortunately, it's not really considered 'reliable information' being that just anyone can alter the information listed on the page.  I actually have altered a page myself.
Overall, chapter 4 had some good information in it, later on in the chapter.  The explanation of the major viruses is something that all internet users should know and understand how they work.

For whatever reason, I could not get my go animate video to load so this is the link to it: