Friday, November 8, 2013

Testing search engines

Just to see what would happen, I tested some of the sites listed in chapter three.  The first one I played with was the 'kid-friendly' Yippy search engine.  I looked up 'kids learning games' and came up with this list:

The first three don't seem to be games, but still kid friendly, helpful information.  The following hits were game sites though.  Now just for the sake of experimenting, I searched a completely inappropriate thing for children; pornography.  This was the result:

Still probably not what I would allow my kids to be reading, but it is certainly a whole lot better than what would come up on a regular search engine.  I'm pretty sure I don't need a screen shot of what google would give me as hits on that search for us all to know…  All of the hits found here are news articles about catching porn criminals.

Next, I moved on to a comparison shopping search engine.  The one thing my 17 year old wants for Christmas is a new hair straightener (a 17 yr old girl…who coulda known…lol).  So, I went to and typed in 'hair straightener' and this is what I got:

This is awesome on so many levels!  Anyone with multiple kids at Christmas time likes a bargain and I'm sure we all price/value comparison shop.  This enables me to do that all in one spot!  Oh boy am I going to have fun this year…..  :)

Chapter 3

I wish I had read chapter 3 a while ago!  I am forever searching the internet for all kinds of different things.  I knew there was a way to omit things from your search.  I thought it was to put 'not' in the term, but I forgot about the caps.  The shopping searches will help me greatly, especially at this time of the year.  I do a ton of online shopping, especially in the holiday season.  Being a mother of five children it was also nice to learn that there are more 'kid-friendly' search engines.  I will definitely be bookmarking them for future use!  My kids range from 17 months to 17 years old so anything I can do to make the internet and computer more kid friendly is great for me.  Even with the most trustworthy of kids mistakes happen.  Thats all it takes is a mis-typed letter.  Over all, I think chapter three will come in very useful to me in the future.  As I said, I love the internet, and I love to search for things on it.  Anything that makes that easier is ok by me, especially when it comes time to write papers!  I have the hardest time finding good, appropriate, useful sources when I am writing papers (i.e. term, research).  It gets very frustrating and tends to cause extra procrastination….like I need that!