Friday, November 8, 2013

Chapter 3

I wish I had read chapter 3 a while ago!  I am forever searching the internet for all kinds of different things.  I knew there was a way to omit things from your search.  I thought it was to put 'not' in the term, but I forgot about the caps.  The shopping searches will help me greatly, especially at this time of the year.  I do a ton of online shopping, especially in the holiday season.  Being a mother of five children it was also nice to learn that there are more 'kid-friendly' search engines.  I will definitely be bookmarking them for future use!  My kids range from 17 months to 17 years old so anything I can do to make the internet and computer more kid friendly is great for me.  Even with the most trustworthy of kids mistakes happen.  Thats all it takes is a mis-typed letter.  Over all, I think chapter three will come in very useful to me in the future.  As I said, I love the internet, and I love to search for things on it.  Anything that makes that easier is ok by me, especially when it comes time to write papers!  I have the hardest time finding good, appropriate, useful sources when I am writing papers (i.e. term, research).  It gets very frustrating and tends to cause extra procrastination….like I need that!

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